I installed my short shifter and shifter base bushings today and if all would have gone smoothly it would have taken maybe 45 minutes. I got the shifter out in about 15 minutes. Got the shifter installed in the base in about 15 and got the base and most of the interior back in about 10 minutes.... but then I ran into a problem. The lockout was getting stuck. After about an hour of messing with it I got the dermal out with a sanding wheel and bored it out a little bit. The problem was it was too tight. No matter how much lithium grease used it would not slide easily. After I boared it out everything was perfect. If you're installing the shifter Bass bushings it helps if you wrap a little bit of Teflon tape or something similar around the bottom half so that it fits snugly in the shifter bass and doesn't fall out when you try and install it.