Almost had a great Fiesta ST (2014) today, then everything fell apart. First got the passenger feet side paneling put back in place, then replaced the air filter with a new washable one, next got the whole battery side of the engine taken out and replaced the shift mount bushings. That's when things went south. Snapped the head on the short shifting kit I was trying to install (I guess used the torque wrench wrong?) and had to put everything back together without it

. Then I tried to take out the driver side air flow actuator using the latest guide posted here. Surprisingly the auto hobby shop I was working out didn't have any of the sort of short wrench devices I needed and I couldn't get the actuator off. I got one screw out. After conferring with the guys there, I gave up and drove off with my steering wheel unclad and actuator with a screw out (or so I thought). Stopped by Harbor Freight on the way home and managed to find a set of "thumb drive" ratchets. Then I scrounged the house for a T-20 torx head. Some how I had plenty of 15s and 25s, but got lucky to find one 20 left over in the bottom of a box. The thumb drive ratchet did the trick and I eventually got the actuator off (apparently, however, the screw I removed at the shop was the wrong one, now I get to try and figure out where it goes!). Anticipating a final, end to the days events, I tried to place the new actuator and had no luck! I can't get it to slot in.
Here are some pics:
Am I missing something here? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Can I drive around with the AC on and the actuator out?
Thanks in advance!