Only problem is, this battery group size with reverse poles doesn't seem to move. Auto parts stores like Advance do not maintain their battery stock. Nearly all the batteries had been sitting around a year and longer with lower charge levels. Be sure to check the date and check the charge level. There are websites that tell you what the charge level means.
What we don't see, is the ground wire sitting underneath the battery box, exposed to that battery run-off. It rusts, you can't fix that; can only add another some place else to augment it. Had to do it on the prior car when it started to burn-up alternators. The battery in this car and in my prior car sat high. I've never cornered (or accelerated) like a granny and attribute their leakage to regular sloshing. Didn't matter what brand I bought, they've all done it. I will
never go back to a lea
k-acid battery; even if I have to go the route that
@TyphoonFiST did.