I am pointing out current issues and especially here in California. The state has a serious power grid issue that nobody seems to want to address properly. While you can tout Tesla’s power walls experiments the way power is handled in this state I Question efficiency in 13 years. The state has a poor track record outside of pollution control. We can’t seem to keep our roads in good shape we don’t know how to spend money if we tried for example. Ya I gotta stop because A: the list is long and B : it might be deemed political when it’s really just factual.
What the state wants is noble minded and for the most part good . How it intends to achieve and time frame well these people who make these mandates are not technicians , Scientists or workers. They are a board of people. Ideas are great but technicals and abilities have to be factored in.
In a sense I do not disagree with what you are saying but at least here there is a huge practical side that is not being looked at.
Like usual we are seeing knee jerk reactions rather than pragmatic decisions. This goes for either side of the opinion . Yes the country is way too polarized.
I am aware of the ability of large capacity battery EV vehicles being able to give back to the grid and the El Cajon school district is the first to move towards doing that with Electric busses . I was merely pointing out current inefficiencies that need to be addressed if we are going to even attempt an overly ambitious 13 year mandate. Not saying it can’t be done. Oh and yes Hydrogen fuel cells for EV’s will come before Hydrogen ICE if that ever does. I was again pointing out alternatives .
Put it this way they used to make transistors out of germanium because it was easy. Silicon was hard to work with and deemed to fail.
That’s why my father picked it for his Physics course study and Doctorate at Purdue. Yup his Thesis was a Silicon transistor and he wrote the first fast TTL which without large scale integration aka semiconductors would not have happened as quickly. So ya I am in the camp of never say never and just because it seems bad or hard does not mean it can’t be made to work . Technological break throughs happen because of people choosing to work with stuff others say won’t or are too hard.
Though this is off topic from the original discussion . Yes tuning will probably become a lost art like stained glass making, glass bottle blowing, Samurai sword making , etc… in the march of technology and manufacturing things become obsolete and all but forgotten.