I did it through the bottom... and depending how old or dirty (I clean my car a lot), it's a bear. Without taking off the crash bar you have to deal with pretty cramped conditions. Wear eye protection and gloves especially if you plan on removing through the bottom, and jack the front end up as high as you can. It's difficult to get in without at least bending a couple fins. Also the Mountune radiator has tabs in the top and bottom that are only plastic on the stock radiator. I suggest you loosen the bolts prior so that you can get everything lined up before you attempt to get the tabs hooked onto the radiator fan shroud. You must remove your cold side charge pipe, and I suggest removing your headlights as well. Even if you take it out from the bottom, you want as much visual room as possible. Fins are very easy to bend... just a touch on anything is going to fold them over. Despite the pain, it's an amazing radiator. I'm not sure if my stock one was defective or just insufficient, but the new one works 200% better. In constant, above 100F heat I've not even gotten within 30 degrees of the old one in the same conditions... and it sheds heat really fast even when it does get warm. I have yet to test it in a track environment, but harsh stop and go in 110F hardly taxes it. I am however using a 70/30 water to coolant mix.