MAJOR problem with this topic is the subjective nature of feel and senses in general. I
know my wife's car and mine have some different parts. I
seem to think they feel different. Some think they all feel the same. All we can go off of is hardware and not what our fatty brain tells us is happening. I'll try to get part numbers from the springs/shocks tonight. I used calipers to verify the 19mm and 21mm antisway bar sizes.
It would be great if we could just post manufacture dates and at least front bar diameter. A for sure hardware change took place early in '16, maybe another for 2017? We need numbers and facts... and like science. I say we can't trust our feelings and belief can be wrong. Let's stick to facts.
My Car (Dec 15 build)
Rear Shock (Imprinted into lower half) D2BC- E1113702 E3702
Front Shock (White sticker) E4643103 C1BC18K001EE
19mm front bar
Wife Car (July 16 build)
Rear Shock (Imprinted into lower half) C1BC-1808-CF 113605 160224 E3605
Front Shock (White sticker) E4673901 C1BC18K001FA
21mm front bar
It was hard getting under there with my phone, but I got most of the info. Some info is missing and I may have made a mistake typing. Anyone want to hit up ford parts and see what's what?