^^^I think he was asking whether or not the Empire State's OBD2 plug-in test could tell if your system, and the subsequent tune required, are present or not, given no visual inspection (like Cali has).
im right in the path and eeeeeverything was sold
Our. Hunkered down with the wife and my son. Hoping all turns out ok and I can still drop
My car off to you Sunday.
Damn Matthew, my C39 did not get delivered today. On the other hand, after all the hurricane prep was done, I just finished mounting the GT1's that came in Tuesday. Like SS says, no point worrying once the prep is done, and it was a little cooler (and breezy) in garage. But no road test, winds rising now.
Going to be noisy tonight. Likely without power and communications by 2 am.
Don't see why it wouldn't pass an obd test as long as there is no CEL and all emission system show ready status. Probably fail visual with no cat and defouler.
Could always pop stock downpipe on and drive super easy on stock tune(no boost) then swap back after the test.
Not worried about any visuals...the only hang ups are were only allowed 1 "not ready". The Cobb stage 3 tune shows all readys even though I have no cat. Would the tune for this setup have the same results? The Cobb stage 3 tune is the go to for us that live in OBD2 states to pass inspection.
Not worried about any visuals...the only hang ups are were only allowed 1 "not ready". The Cobb stage 3 tune shows all readys even though I have no cat. Would the tune for this setup have the same results? The Cobb stage 3 tune is the go to for us that live in OBD2 states to pass inspection.
Yeah I have a defouler on it. I have a Tune+ tune on it but had to many "not readys" so I switched to the Cobb stage 3 yesterday and its good to go...everything is in ready state.
Upgrading this cyborg to a cyborg 39
Full on port work and all. Only wish it had a slightly better intercooler, but it should still really kick ace !! And no BOV worries !!
The footage looks promising, can't wait. Also.....seriously jealous of how much sun you get, I'm sitting here in a sweater because there's already snow outside.
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