The turbo came with the exhaust inlet opened up all the way so yesterday I opened up the manifold outlet a lot more than my original porting job.
Stock manifold outlet before porting:
I did not measure the outlet after the last porting but mine is nearly as big as the turbo inlet, a good thing to have the outlet a bit smaller as it helps prevent reversion. ----------- Good news, I had made the gasket and was installing it when I figured out I just have to cut off and reposition one mounting ear, easy stuff, whew! I wish I had not installed the turbo yet but had to so I could work on the inlet fitment part I made.
I did not measure the outlet after the last porting but mine is nearly as big as the turbo inlet, a good thing to have the outlet a bit smaller as it helps prevent reversion.
It is much more round and open than it looks in the picture and probably twice as big as the stock opening now. I had to carefully leave enough material where the flange meets the runners or I would of opened it up even more in that area.