The way I justify it is that an AGM battery can't leak. I've seen a decent number of people on here complaining about their conventional flooded lead acid battery leaking, and the mess it made. The engine compartment in our cars is tight, so there's a lot of important stuff near the battery. I think one of the main engine control computers is right on the side of the battery box if I'm not mistaken, and protecting that alone would justify it to me.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just telling you what was important to me in making the decision to pay the extra money for an AGM battery.
A secondary consideration is that I believe they deep cycle better, IE start better after a discharge than a conventional battery.
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just telling you what was important to me in making the decision to pay the extra money for an AGM battery.
A secondary consideration is that I believe they deep cycle better, IE start better after a discharge than a conventional battery.