My 2 cents on Ravenol/ specs in the owners manual. I purchased my Fiesta in October 22. 2015 with 43k miles. Flushed the trans fluid within a month of ownership. I used the Ford Spec fluid that I picked up from the Dealership. Manual said 1.7L so I did that. The transmission was a bit noisy before and seemed better for only a few days (if that). It was back to being a bit noisy. I’d have to double clutch for 1st at stoplights occasionally to get a smooth gear change. There was definitely evidence that it wasn’t smooth, functioning top tier. After reading more here and there, I found that most recommend 2L as it’s closer to the actual measurement from measuring down from the drain plug. I changed to 2 liters Ravenol MTF 2 (jug poors strangely) and so far it’s been buttery. Haven’t had to double clutch once. The difference really is night and day. I’ll try to report back after some time/ miles but I’m very satisfied with this recommendation. I changed from 1.7 to 2L and from the Ford DCTF to Ravenol but this combination is working great. No longer noisy. 👍🏼