Completely forgot to unplug the RCM before going on track at AMP today and sure enough, as soon as my tires were up to temp and I started pushing, the car thought it crashed, killed the fuel pumps and about put me in the Armco at 125mph. I’m gonna make one more attempt to fix this with a buddy and if it doesn’t work this car is gonna be sold and I’m buying a GT4. There’s nothing more frustrating than false positives and sadly a lot of newer cars have these issues. I’m just glad the airbags don’t pop like they do in others that get tracked.
This happened awhile ago and I’ve kept quiet but at this point it needs to be shared. I reached out to Randy Robles (Tunerwerx) to see if he could assist me fix this issue, since he works on rally cars. He said he “looked through his notes and said he could fix it with some software and hardware modifications”. He took my cash then told me he couldn’t fix the problem because he can’t access the RCM via the ECU. Zero refund was offered and he was a complete dick when I asked. He sent me a map (which I assumed had a fix for the issue I paid for) and it turned out to be a base map for an ECU performance tune. I had absolutely zero interest in a performance tune and he knew that from the beginning. My car literally wouldn’t idle with that map so I reached out and asked WTF it was and that’s when he started dancing. I told him I didn’t want an ECU tune. I wanted the false-crash issue fixed and he told me to remove my RCM and ABS hardware because there’s nothing he can “tune” out. I asked what the “software” part of his fix I PAID FOR was and he never answered. Multiple times... The guy has no integrity. He couldn’t even admit he’d made a mistake when he realized he had no access to the code that needed to modified to fix the issue I paid him for. The bad thing is, I had absolutely no recourse via PayPal because I purchased his “custom ECU tune” as instructed since there wasn’t a specific item on his website for what I needed. Since he sent me that useless ECU base map, PayPal sided with him because “he provided me with what I purchased.” Unbelievable huh? That’s the kinda guy Randy Robles at Tunerwerx (and formerly of Mountune) is. Just know that if any of you having this issue reach out to Tunewerx because he tunes rally cars and he tells you he can fix it, he can’t. The only solution I found is to unplug the RCM and do that at your own risk.
On a side note, three other tuners had zero problems tuning my car. JST, Stratified and Tune+ and all of their base maps were perfectly functional and fine. Choose your own adventure….