Not today, but this past Saturday I installed 70a AWR passenger and transmission side mounts with my buddy. Definitely appreciated the second set of eyes/hands for the trans side. It was a little tricky getting the trans studs lined up with the AWR but we did it.
Also, huge shout out to AWR for the customer support. I had a question Saturday, basically needing reassurance on how that back bushing should be installed. Even though AWR is closed on Saturdays, someone on their Facebook page responded almost immediately to my help request. Absolutely incredible.
Notes so far with maybe 20 miles on the mounts because I'm sure there will be questions. PM me for any other discussion!
- Big change in vibrations. I only had a Whoosh orange bushing RMM before which caused basically no vibrations, but these added a ton.
- The vibrations have already calmed down immensely
- As of right now, nothing "hard" can be in the glovebox or else it'll rattle like crazy lol. Example: spline lug key
- At idle whether AC is on or off, the seats give a light massage, steering wheel vibrates, all mirrors vibrate. All very minimum though. AC barely adds any additional vibes.
- Vibrations are not even close to a deal breaker as they're not bad at all. The mounts will break in a bit for sure.
- Huge change in shifter feel and shifts in general.
- Each gear change engages tight at the shifter. It just feels like the shifter hard stops when it lands in gear. I also have all shifter bushings and a Mountune shifter on the trans. These mounts added LOTS of tightness - night and day different in the best way.
- Engine movement is practically non-existent. Coming off throttle to disengage the clutch just feels crazy because it's so solid. It's really hard to describe without being in the car. Back on the throttle, response feels super crisp, but again, hard to describe. Nothing bucks around at all.
Overall thrilled with the mounts and have 0 regret going "stiff"