I'm very much looking forward to how it handles post-install. I wish I had the hookup on clutches
I'm sure youll like it. It's probably the best bang for the buck and using the mechanical diff to manage traction and wheel spin in corners instead of hyperactive, electronic brake application does wonders for braking.....
You can get a custom clutch from all over. There are probably many places building them in your city. Many industrial drive/machine/hydraulic places can build one. Or call California clutch. The new owner is great. Have used them too. Last clutch I got form them cost me about $175 plus an OEM clutch. Including pressure plate treatment and fingers. I have mine mad elocally by a company that has done 4 clutches for me now.
They will probably already have access to the info being a commonly raced car, but all they really need is a new factory clutch or spline, diameter, install thickness, and configuration.