OK, lets make this rabbit hole even deeper, if the Jag injectors are able to be used, why not the Jag HP fuel pump also, part #66807, it's made to work with the 62120 Jag injector. Looking at the picture of the Jag HP next to the Fiesta HP they look the same. With out having them in my hand it's hard to tell though. My thinking is this, if the 62120 injector and Jag fuel pump 66807 are used in the XKR 5L supercharged making 550hp, why would it all not work in the Fiesta. I can't find the pressure out put for the 66807, but the pressure out put for the Xtreme DI XDI-HPFP35 at 200bar/2900psi. which is supposed to be 35% over stock. The Rock Auto price for the 66807 is $156.79