I felt like it got me to where it needed to be. I can't draw a line with a ruler so I'm not the best person to give exact measurements.
I had to go down at least a 1/2 more on the old fluid to touch it. Now it's definitely somewhere between 3/4 and 1 inch.
And I did let it drain for at least 15 minutes.
It was on 4 jack stands.
I had to go down at least a 1/2 more on the old fluid to touch it. Now it's definitely somewhere between 3/4 and 1 inch.
And I did let it drain for at least 15 minutes.
It was on 4 jack stands.

I let mine drain for about the same, but got the right side up so as to tilt more out. Probably not really needed, since the stock fluid is like water and drains out pretty quickly.
BTW, thanks for the vid... Liked and subbed [emoji3514]
2017 w/Recaros - bone stock