OK, so connected up to ForScan yesterday for the first time in a while and wish I had double-checked this Fiesta specific spreadsheet instead of going straight to the F-150 one to try to play around with DRL's... What's tough about the DRL settings is I didn't know parking brake had to be off so I assumed that all the settings failed to do anything, so you absolutely need a 2nd person to check for you. You can't just get out with the car in neutral as even most garages with a perfectly flat floor don't have enough lighting to try what the settings do for DRL's with switch on Auto, as the headlights come on... Also... I could have sworn I didn't see a BCM module to adjust at all, it appears that every setting that says "BdyCM Backup" on the spreadsheet is actually under IPC? But now that I know that parking brake has to be off for the DRL settings, I'll try with my kid verifying for me tonight after work. Since I'd like to get some switchbacks, I'd really like to use the parking lights as DRL's that come on always in Auto, preferably, but 2nd choice would be in "Off", third choice and too annoying for me would be to have to manually select parking lights every time I start the car just to get the switchback DRL effect.