Yes, I also wish that ALL oil companies (
including the supposedly technically and performance oriented superior 'boutique' oils) put much more info on their labels, but most of the populace, including most DIYers, would only be confused by that info, and not understand it's implications anyway, no matter HOW simplistically, and in "laymans' terms" it was explained.
I will admit that once things are down into the chemical engineering molecular interaction level, I too am 'lost'.
Yes, I NEEDED that news today, and was still fired-up from our local (VERY well attended) anti-fascist rally yesterday.
It was that much more satisfying to me personally since I am directly involved with political groups who were pushing the ANTI-gerrymandering issue within the state.
Maybe NOW we can
finally vote these NAZI peckerwoods out of office, and turn this state BRIGHT BLUE once again!!