Sorry but you are wrong. 87 E30 mix is not even 93 octane. If you honestly think E30 has nothing to do with the octane rating why don't you go ask a tuner because you are so wrong.
Also, let's go over some other terms: "matters much"... as in not the main thing. Yes, 87 octane ALL by itself is bad, but 93+ final mix is fine with the Dizzy e30, Jason and I discussed this ahead of time. If 93.7 octane isn't high enough, then my OAR wouldn't max out quickly to -1.00 and stay there. C'mon man, let's operate using facts and not guessing where you don't bother to read the whole thing. In fact, I knew ahead of time because Jason posted how he did this himself, used Regular but went slightly higher on the E to e35 and his tunes run fine that way, so that's what gave me the idea to make lemonade out of the lemons of being filled up with Regular accidentally and the results are awesome!