Says the guys with the 2016....
I knew when I posted that comment people would say that. I would say the same if I had a '14......I understand that allowing your coolant to drop below the level of your aluminum head is begging for a disaster in any car. And I don't need an idiot light to tell me to check my fluid level frequently. So I would not be hair on fire upset with Ford if I did have a '14. On Ford's side they are responding to those that don't check fluids. I just do not see Ford changing hundreds of thousands of heads for the reported 29 incidences caused by low fluid when an idiot light will do the trick. That is like .0001% (29/240,000) or close to 1 in 8,000 will experience a failure if you don't monitor your fluids. So what do you think the odds are if you do? Are you really that concerned at those odds? Like it or not Ford is a business that reports to stockholders. I am and have always been anal about maintaining my cars so this recall would not even get me to the dealer for the idiot light.
Also if I had a '14 it would be like my '16 and only under VERY dire circumstances would I want a dealer to change a head when it is running fine. After 45 years dealing with car dealerships I avoid them like the plague. Keep in mind this recall is NOT for defective parts but defective owners who need a light to tell them to maintain their cars. Do you really want YOUR dealer ripping into your car?
Like Ford said in the recall....monitor your fluids and drive like you always have. Or like others on the Forum light your hair on fire and threaten to sue Ford because they expect you to maintain your car. Or dumping on Ford for being so mean to them by not giving them a new head. I guess old age brings wisdom to analyze before overreacting on life's major, disastrous tribulations like a recall. I have been through many, and even though my hair is gone it is not fire related.