Well, I tried mainly the Stratified in both octanes and I can really tell the difference... I only ordered 91 just in case our gas suddenly changes/bad batch or I drive down to Cali, but if you consider that e30 really is at about 95 octane:
If you scroll down to the first dyno chart, it compares 91 vs. e30, well, 93 will split the difference... and again, with ALL positive ignition corrections buried OAR at -1.00, our "92" really does rate out as more like 94, it's simply free performance for buying the same fuel anyway! If you are talking about Cobb and their "stages", then their site has the dyno chart for each stage, but they are so conservative and having 3 stages of bolt on's is kind of dumb, you can get away with a Cobb stage 2 93 here with our mild weather, I'd just use stage 1 for the rare times it gets hot here and for you up there in the peninsula, that's pretty rare...