I had mine reflashed this Saturday. My car no longer defaults to A/C full blast and no heat anymore. However, the system is still not working correctly. It is better than before, but still not fixed to an acceptable level. The temperature settings really don't correlate to an actual temperature. It seems like it has 3 or 4 temp settings. 60-70 is really cold, 70-80 is cold,81-82 is barely any heat, and 83 + is full blast heat. I had to turn the temperature to 83 this morning before I got heat. It was around 60 outside (yes, not cold to most of you north of me). I understand this is a cheap car, but maybe Ford shouldn't have advertised an automatic climate control feature if they couldn't deliver a reliable product. I am waiting on a phone call today from one of the regional customer service managers today. I'll update you guys if they have anything interesting to say.