Ok so i wanted an A pillar mount that cobb sells, problem is its 64$ + tax, conversion to Canadian $$ and shipping... so probably around 100$ for 1$ in materials.
so i started to complain about how we get robbed here to my wife as i always do. then it hit me as it usually does... "I can make that i say" and my wife looks at me and says "i knew you were gonna say that" as she walks away. so here is what i made in about an hour of work and some small scraps i had.
Prototype 1 didnt allow for the AP to fit without hitting the dash.
Here are the bits for prototype 2, it will extend out to allow AP to fit.
Here is prototype 2 installed, seems to work.
Here is my POV with proto 2 in.
I went for a drive to give proto 2 a short field test, works perfect.
so in conclusion, i also can make an A pillar mount for 1$ in materials, and some ingenuity.
to overpriced simple accessories.
Hope you all like it