I will be doing this shortly (both 93 octane map and E30) on the dyno. Keep in mind, dyno numbers mean very little. The Mustang dyno that all my runs have been done on reads rediculously low as far as peak numbers are concerned and I am fine with that. The only "numbers" I'm interested in are improvements over my baselines and Stage 1 numbers (as well as power under the curves). My stage 1 OTS 93 octane tune netted me a palsey 172hp & 247pft at the wheels. My bone stock numbers were 163hp & 203pft. While the 9hp & 44pft increase were impressive, there was even more increases between the curves at different rpm... something you DEFINITELY feel in the "real world". Because the numbers were so disheartening, I sent my car to a facility that had a Dynojet dyno and netted a best run of 181hp & 228pft with the same Stage 1 OTS tune. The funny thing is, they used no fan in front of my car and did no cool downs between runs. The best run was the last (3rd) one. lol
While I only spent a week on the Stage 3 OTS tune, the MAP tune(s) are so much better "sorted". Driveability is WORLDS better (I can't stress this enough) and while peak power is noticeably improved, especially above 5,000 rpm where everything else seems to fall on it's face.... it's the driving around town that makes these tunes such a freakin hoot! The power delivery is smooth as a babies butt. When the power hits, it hits hard, but it's also much more linear than the OTS stuff. There are no dips, stutters or hesitations, even after driving at snails pace for a few days trying to achieve decent fuel economy.
Throw in Adams impeccable customer service and attention to detail and you are definitely getting your money's worth (and then some). Kudo's to Adam Brunson & MAPerformance.