So far I'm extremely impressed. Traction is almost excessive as I can't get so much as a bark out of them in straight line acceleration (outside of dropping the clutch with no LC engaged and I never do that). 1st to 2nd doesn't so much as chirp in straight acceleration regardless of I'm using FFS or not. I'm only stage 1 at the moment so maybe that will change with more mods.
In the turns the limit seems to be a good deal higher, though it's hard to tell as I haven't been able to really push it outside of taking a few street corners very quickly. I'll get to run down one of my favorite roads this weekend, after which I'll give a more thorough review.
My initial thoughts are as follows:
I'm impressed with the grip despite the higher treadwear rating (180 on the Neova vs 140 on the Potenzas) though I can't tell what can be attributed to the additional width of the 215 vs 205 of stock.
Maybe not quite as fun as stock because the limit is so high as to be scary trying to perform the same tail happy antics that we love in the stock car. But taking slow curves fast completely settled and composed is a good trade off in my book.
The only downside I've found so far is the weight at more that 2 lbs heavier than stock per tire, but I am also one size larger so that accounts for some of it. They are thicker as well. Which I hope will mean slightly longer life than the stock Potenzas, if only a few thousand miles more.
Cost was high, but not unreasonable at around $170-180 before shipping per tire compared to Direzzas at $150-160 per tire. Right now, with 500 miles on them, I'd give them a solid recommendation, but I'll know more after this weekend once I get to push it a little bit.