I am one of those who dislikes having to clean my wheels every day, because the OEM pads shed material at a high rate, covering
the wheels in brake dust. I went to O'Reilly's auto parts today. They can order ceramic pads for the ST.......$75 for all 4 wheels. Questions: Do ceramic pads shed less material? Should I buy these pads and have them installed? What would be the downside, if any, of the ceramic pads? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
the wheels in brake dust. I went to O'Reilly's auto parts today. They can order ceramic pads for the ST.......$75 for all 4 wheels. Questions: Do ceramic pads shed less material? Should I buy these pads and have them installed? What would be the downside, if any, of the ceramic pads? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.