Style over substance is your choice of course and there are always trade offs no mater what we do, why I have had up to four different sets of wheels and tires for one single vehicle including this one but now down to two sets. Super stretched to me is a very silly and a bit dangerous way to go, super wide tires on narrow wheels can be equally so. Balancing what ones needs and expectations are with the real world use of the vehicle all come into play. We fix the ride harshness with smaller rim diameters, wide enough to properly support the sidewall for good feedback and control and save considerably unsprung rotational mass which effects all aspects of performance as well as ride and causes less wear and tare on the chassis...
This car should of come with 16" wheels, 17's just to tall and add unneeded mas, harder to find proper tires especially in wider sizes, harsher ride, etc....
I like style as much as anybody but never put it above performance, again balanced with my actual needs, wants, real world use, etc....
I prefer to look at this all from an engineering vieiwpoint first, use then style and have been doing so for 50 years on dozens of vehicles, hundreds of sets of wheels and tires and refrain from saying something looks ugly even though I might think so and of course you are entitled to your opinion and can call it whatever you wish
I might say something looks stupid if it is like super wide wheels, very narrow tires, tons of camber, rocket bunny fenders, that is just plain ignorantly following a fad instead of using ones mind and putting something together properly. (I admit I take a pretty strong stand on this but I do it for a reason, hopefully it might wake somebody up from the slumber of following silly fads and it is absolutely the truth!)